Tuesday 3 May 2011

A Breakthrough Arthritis Pain Reliever

If you are one of those individuals suffering from joint pains, you probably heard about glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine and chondroitin have been used as arthritis pain reliever and restoring the normal function of the joints. The combination of these substances is breakthrough in the effort to produce a safe and effective arthritis pain reliever.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Glucosamine is naturally produced in the body. It plays a role in maintaining and repairing worn out and damaged cartilage. In a study published in Archives of Internal Medicine, 200 patients with osteoarthritis were given placebo or glucosamine. The study took three years and during that period all subjects received X-rays. X-rays revealed the ability of glucosamine to prevent progression of osteoarthritis. It was found that subjects who received placebo showed a steady decrease of spaces between the bones, which indicates that the cartilage is wearing thin. In contrast, the subjects receiving glucosamine did not show any changes in the spaces between bones.
Arthritis pain is caused mainly by the degradation of the cartilage that is supposed to prevent friction. Damage in the cartilage would cause the bones to rub each other thereby resulting in pain even with small movements of the joints. Thus, arthritis pain reliever should be able to stop degradation of cartilage. Glucosamine works as an arthritis pain reliever by preventing the degradation of the cartilage. It inhibits the proteolytic enzymes, which destroy the cartilage. Glucosamine also promote synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, which are building blocks of cartilage.
Chondroitin is another substance that could be used as arthritis pain reliever. Just like glucosamine, chondroitin is naturally found in the cartilage and bones. It functions in increasing the production of hyaluronic acid to reduce friction in the joints. A number of studies indicated that chondroitin reduces pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis. But then, the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin proves to be a more effective arthritis pain reliever.

Synotrex: Safe and Effective Arthritis Pain Reliever
Glucosamine and chondroitin are combined in one effective formulation In Synotrex. Synotrex is designed mainly as arthritis pain reliever. Athletes, specifically, need arthritis pain reliever because they are prone to mechanical stress that could wear and damage the cartilage. It has been known that osteoarthritis is more common in older adults. This is because production of glucosamine and chondroitin decreases with age. Synotrex supplements the body with glucosamine and chondroitin to make up for the decreased production of these important substances.
Synotrex not only serve as arthritis pain reliever, it also provides long-term relief from other symptoms of arthritis. Synotrex contains antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, which serve in protecting the cartilage from degradation. Antioxidant vitamins are especially needed by athletes to help combat the effects of oxidative stress. Synotrex, therefore, is more than just an arthritis pain reliever. It could be used in the prevention of osteoarthritis as well as stop osteoarthritis on its tracks. Some other important benefits from taking Synotrex include improved mobility of the affected joints and relief from pain, swelling and stiffness of arthritic joints.
To learn more about Synotrex, visit www.arthritislibrary.net/arthritis-pain-reliever.

Author : Roger Haynes


  1. Joint dietary supplements not only contain types of vitamins but they also consist of other ingredients that simplicity pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis.

  2. Chondroitin and plus sulfate natural products do not offer the preferred treatment for all arthritis sufferers.The benefits and threats of taking plus and chondroitin sulfate have not been for sure proven, and long lasting research are needed to better understand their effects.An efficient Arthritis treatment routine can help handle the condition.
